Do you live in a generally happy world where bad behavior is dismissed as unusual?
Or do you live in a generally negative world where good behavior is dismissed as unusual?
The world I’m talking about is the world that exists in our minds. The one that we can control. And I bring this up today because it was until I asked myself these two questions that I realized I was actually living in a generally negative world. I considered things that went my way rather odd. I didn’t know how to take compliments. I also didn’t understand how to accept job offers and other opportunities that could propel myself forward in life. It was all quite unusual, and I kept such wonderful things at a distance in order to maintain my worldview. That the world is against me, nobody understands, and I am alone.
But lately I’ve been feeling myself changing and I can feel myself shifting over back into believing in a generally happy world and dismissing bad behavior as unusual. That’s the kind of world I want to live in.
by Jason Lam