I used to think that writing about productivity and living a better life would indeed, lead to a better life, both professionally, and personally. However, I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t really. If anything, they only serve as reminders (if I ever have the chance to look back at my work) for times when I had moments of clarity and had the discipline to sit and write everything down. But progress? I’m not quite sure. I feel like maybe I’m just a really lazy person who’s trying to get out if his default state like how the fat kid in Willy Wonka tried to get out of the chocolate river (he failed, btw). I’m moving forward. Sure, but at a snail's pace. And often times, I’m also moving backward. Instead of a straight line, I feel like I’m just zigzagging most of the time, running in circles, spinning my wheels. But at the same time, maybe that’s what progress is. Knowing that I’m in fact, not making much progress…? Who knows.
by Jason Lam