Added on by Jason Lam.

The world isn’t going to end if you don’t become a millionaire

Your life doesn’t end if you don’t buy a giant house

Your friends don’t stop being your friends if you don’t have a fancy job title

Life doesn’t end if you don’t attain all the things you’re supposed to want

Focus on you

Focus on your craft

Focus on what you’ve got to contribute to the world

And when the world comes crashing down

Find peace in knowing that you gave yourself a chance

by Jason Lam


Added on by Jason Lam.

Creating and putting your work out there is the greatest form of trust you can ever have for yourself. It is the ultimate testament. Leave nothing in the tank. Go for it. You might crash and burn. But you won't know until you try. At the end of the day, what matters most is that you keep stumbling forward no matter the self-doubt, no matter the hate, and no matter the rejection. Keep fighting. Keep creating. Keep trusting in yourself.

by Jason Lam


Added on by Jason Lam.

If you accept your flaws you can use that towards your art

Hide away from them and pretend like you’re ok, and you block yourself off from one of your greatest forms of authenticity

Because we all suffer, one way or another

What makes us unique is how we cope with it

Art is an outward expression of our willingness to survive and what we make of ourselves when things don’t quite go to plan

It’s a statement of our inherent strength

Our unifying truth

So share your story with the world

Because you are not alone in your endeavors

We're all afraid

by Jason Lam


Added on by Jason Lam.

Some art projects are meant to be throwaways

You gotta get it out

Get it over with

So you can get to your real work

Get all the clever ideas out

The cheesy jokes

The trendy fads

Be done with it

And if you have the wherewithal

Keep on going when you’re out of ideas

Because that’s where the truth lies

Your truth

by Jason Lam


Added on by Jason Lam.

Hopefully what I capture is not just someone looking into a camera, but someone who is looking for more. Yes. I am taking your picture in this very moment, but I’m also thinking about every year past this moment when looking back at this moment. What do you see? Someone who was brave? Or someone who was scared? There is no right answer, only what’s honest. And perhaps that’s what it is, that you allowed yourself to be seen. Not just by me. But by you. That’s a moment I want to help capture. Perhaps that’s what I do. I help you see you. I never thought about it that way before.

by Jason Lam


Added on by Jason Lam.

I think I figured out one reason why we like great artists.

We like great artists because they show us a part of ourselves that we have not been able to tap into yet.

By exposing the deepest parts of themselves, great aritsts, the ones we admire most, make us feel understood, less alone, and most importantly, they remind us that we, too, have it in us to tap into the deepest most parts of ourselves.

The question I then ask is, well, "Why does this even matter?"

I think the reason is because when operating in human society, it's easy to get lost playing a role. So much so, that we forget who we are. Artists bring us back to who we really are—our true nature. They remind us of the soul we have in all of us.

Great artists are like beacons in the night, emitting signals, reminding us of which direction to go.

I would like to be the light in the dark. To inspire you to be more than you are. To remind you that you are not alone. And ultimately, to never forget your true nature.

by Jason Lam