Moved back to NYC. Had my first painting exhibition. Got into boxing. Spent the summer in Montreal. Attended a 3-month graphic design boot camp and officially became a graphic designer!
by Jason Lam
Moved back to NYC. Had my first painting exhibition. Got into boxing. Spent the summer in Montreal. Attended a 3-month graphic design boot camp and officially became a graphic designer!
by Jason Lam
A bit of a tough year, but it ended well. Fell in love with Hawaii. Reunited with my friends. New York City! Spent a month focusing on my art in LA. Got some painting done. Went to Bali for the first time. A lot of yoga. Japan. Life is such a rollercoaster. Thank you for another year.
by Jason Lam
Returned to California. Spent quality time with family and friends. Got LASIK. Got a puppy! Had a bunch of car problems. Got rid of a bunch of stuff. Played with my nephew. Painted my first mural. Cooked a lot. Did some photoshoots that I absolutely loved. Life is beautiful and I'm happy to be alive.
Happy New Year!
by Jason Lam
Traveled to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam for the first time. Hopped on over to Japan for a bit. Covid-19 took over the world. Stayed safe in Taiwan. Taught myself some music production. Learned how to surf and free dive! Made a ton of new friends. Got really homesick, but can’t complain. I am alive, healthy, and well.
Happy New Year!
by Jason Lam
Got really into indoor plants. Became an uncle. Bought a Miata. Got back into music. Officiated my friend’s wedding. Designed some shirts. Went to Thailand and Myanmar for the first time. Made a lot of new friends. Overall just happy to be alive and experiencing this thing we call life.
Wishing you all a wonderful new year~
by Jason Lam
Quite a random year. But still learned a lot. I turned 30! Yikes!
by Jason Lam
The year I created Barely Evolved Apes.
by Jason Lam
A transformative year to say the least.
I found my smile again. Along with my heart.
Thank you 2016.
by Jason Lam
This is one second of my life everyday for the year of 2015. I missed the first three months because I didn’t think I was going to be up to anything interesting this year and figured it was not worth documenting. That was stupid. If there’s anything I learned this year, it’s to never believe your life will be anything short of amazing. Life can be completely uneventful, but only if you let it. Fortunately for us, every second of every day is an opportunity to do something worthwhile. That’s over 31 million seconds in a year. How will you be spending your seconds this year?
by Jason Lam