Jason Lam

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Art can reveal parts of yourself that you yourself don't even know exists. Sure, it can express joy, but most often, we find that it expresses pain. Mainly because it’s often quite difficult to find a safe space to express our struggles without being ridiculed for being weak. So, art, because if you can’t tell so immediately that I am crying, I might have a fighting chance at getting you to actually listen. Dig deep enough into any famous song, movie, or dance, and you will find that there is always a constant element of sadness or longing, or of a void that needs to be filled.

If we do not express ourselves, we are not free. We become trapped by our own silence. If we try to hide or run away, we are only cheating ourselves. Often, we may not even know what is bothering us until we allow ourselves the freedom to just run wild and free and create without inhibition.

I've sort of been surprising myself with the types of photos I've been taking the past couple of years. You probably guessed that I'm talking about @ithinkimjustlonely. I can't help but notice the benefits of allowing myself to express that side of me. It’s like having a container to put all my darkness. I don't run away. I don't hide. Instead, I acknowledge the darkness and give it the respect it deserves. And by doing so I am not trapped by it. I am not paralyzed. Instead, I can harness the darkness to be used for good. Like right now, to spark conversations about the benefits of art, or the ever-increasing problems of loneliness, depression, and anxiety in our world today.

Please don't think I'm bragging. And no this is not an attempt to get likes and followers. It’s my attempt at sharing an idea that’s been very beneficial to me, and I hope it can help you too. Keep creating and allow yourself to be free.

by Jason Lam