“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness” - Albert Einstein
I couldn’t agree more. This also reminds me of a quote I found way back in the day by John Wooden:
“Don’t let making a living prevent you from making a life”
I think it’s a tough balance but one that’s worth the effort. We don’t hear much praise for the “quiet life.” But that doesn’t mean it’s any worse, or that the busier, noisier life is any better. Sure, the busy life might allow you to sound a bit more impressive at parties but is it worth the extra stress and anxiety? I’m not sure.
The fact that this bit of wisdom comes from one of the most influential people on earth speaks volumes. Maybe it’s okay to be a little less “successful,” especially if it means being able to spend a little more time with those you love.
by Jason Lam