Jason Lam

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You can't make progress if you don't have a target to aim at, thus, this question, to help us create that very target.

I want to wake up every morning feeling like I am doing something meaningful with my life. I want to feel like I am making progress every day, and I want to feel like I am using my time wisely.

Of course, all those things are subjective. You get to decide what you want to feel. You get to decide how you get there.

I like this question because it gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning. Instead of thinking to myself, “Ugh, here we go again…” I’m thinking to myself, “Awesome! I have a fresh new 24 hours to make a positive impact on this world!”

I've tried ditching my target, and I lost my way quite fast. No more reason to get up every morning. No motivation. No clarity as to what I should do and how I should spend my limited time and energy. Just... wandering. Which has its benefits in itself. Often, you can come across some rather interesting things that can add to a rich life, but I miss having a target, and at this point, I realize I need it more than ever.

The great thing about this question is it’s not material. It’s not limited by your age or where you are in the world or what money can buy. It’s attainable by everyone. So, go ahead and ask yourself, “How do you want to feel every morning?” If you’re lost in life I've come to find that this is a good starting place.

by Jason Lam