Jason Lam

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When starting a new endeavor there can be so much anxiety about how to start. For good reason. We don’t want to waste time. We don’t want to be wrong. We definitely don’t want to embarrass ourselves. The problem, however, is this beginner’s anxiety can keep us frozen for way too long and we end up doing nothing.

A different approach would be to “Begin Anywhere”. Sure, maybe you don’t know how to begin, but you probably won’t know until you get started. So just get going. Accept that the first few steps may not be a straight path. Chances are you’ll be zig-zagging left and right and even making a couple of circles when you first take off. Then again, this can also be considered your opportunity to gather information and find out where the proper path is located.

With enough time, you might find that you are always beginning. You may also discover that there isn’t always a clearcut path, and sometimes you must create your own. Everything is an experiment. Maybe the secret to life is to simply begin, and to begin again.

by Jason Lam